Smart Colour Stain
Restore, decorate and revitalise concrete and masonry. A water-based nano-acrylic decorative concrete stain where your imagination is the only limit
Solid Colour Stain
Colour, recolour and decorate your concrete. Completely covers blemishes and discolouration. An eco-friendly water based stain and NOT a paint.
Special offer 50% off while stocks last.
Endura Faux Fusion
Endura faux fusion is an eco friendly alternative to acid etching without the harmful chemicals or use to refurbish printed concrete even on existing sealed surfaces
Application Brush
The NewLook Applicator Brush is an industrial-grade, flag-tipped brush used to install NewLook’s concrete colour stains.
Translucent Concrete Colour Enhancers
Special offer 75% off while stocks last!
Antiquing effect on imprinted concrete or restores exposed aggregate. Vibrant and natural looking tint allowing underlying tones to shine through
Endura Solid Stain
Use Endura Solid Stain to stain concrete, restore faded concrete or maintain concrete. Endura Solid Stain is affordable while being premium in quality & performance.
Endura CoolStain
Infrared reflective stain completely covers concrete discolorations leaving natural looking finish. Reduces treated concrete surface temperature by up to 10°C
NewDeck with CoolStain Technology
Deck & wood stain. Infra-red technology reduces fading and surface temperature. Ready to use concentrate or dilute with water for translucent effects
WallStain™ Solid & Translucent
Non-yellowing wall stain colours, seal and protects concrete masonry. Available in solid and a translucent formulas - see Tech Datasheet